You know that feeling when someone surprises you? Like really in the most unexpected way kind of surprise... Well,
that happened to me today.
When I opened my email this morning, I had an email from someone that I probably have not seen or spoken to in over 14 years. Now, I would never reveal the identity of this person, but I do want to share what this person said to me. The email said, "I know that this it completely out of know where, but I saw something the other day that reminded me of you. It got me thinking about what jerk I was to you. It's been bothering me ever since so I just wanted say that I am sorry for everything I did."
After I scraped my jaw off the floor, I really had a peaceful feeling come over me. This email answered a question for me that I have wanted an answer to for a very long time. Can people really change?
I have let most things go that plagued my existence in high school. However, I do know of many people who will never let go of things that hurt or embarrassed them in the past. What would it be like if everyone took the time to say they were sorry. Even if they thought that it was to late.
I would bet that it would make a difference. I know it did to me. So, to the people who take the time to think of others and even maybe pause to say "I'm sorry"...
Thank you.